Health 4 Relationships - Gabrielle Lawrence, PhD


   • EMDR
   • Explosive Disruptive Children
   • Marriage and Family Therapy
   • Divorce Adjustment Therapy
   • Forensics in the areas of Divorce
        and Bereavement
   • Parent-Child Reunification
   • Parenting Education
   • Child and Adolescent
   • Play Therapy
   • Traumatic Loss
   • Bereavement/ Grief Therapy
   • Sexual Abuse
   • Anxiety Disorders
   • Depression
   • Personality Disorders
   • Somatic Experiencing Therapy
   • DBT
   • CBT
   • Theraplay
   • Neurointegrative Re-education
   • Expert Witnessing


The following are both areas of expertise and workshops that Dr. Lawrence cam provide upon request.

  • Moving On: Stepparenting and Remarriage After The Death of A Loved One
    13,000 stepfamilies are formed daily. Many of those follow the death of a former spouse. For children, issues of loyalty, grief, achieving a new identity with the new family are all issues. Grief is also often an issue for a spouse. Moving through the step parenting cycle can be challenging with out a previous loss and is complicated when a former spouse has died. Understanding these challenges is important and can make the process much easier.
  • Surviving and Thriving in a Blended Family: Stepparenting and Remarriage After Divorce
    13,OOO stepfamilies are formed every day. Over one half of all Americans will live in a stepfamily at one time in their life yet 6O% of all remarriages end in divorce. Understanding the dynamics of the stepfamily and following the clear guidelines that apply to remarriage with children can make the difference between failure and success. This workshop explores those dynamics and guidelines.

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